速報APP / 娛樂 / How to make slime

How to make slime





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




How to make slime(圖1)-速報App

How to make slime at home?!

Everything is very simple!

Get the mobile app and you will find many recipes for creating this sticky miracle toy.

Everyone can find the best slime recipe for yourself! Slime ingredients for the recipes you already have at home or you can buy at any store. Making handgum is easy!

Slime with PVA Glue

Slime with Baking Soda

Slime with Shampoo

Slime with Flour

How to make slime(圖2)-速報App

Slime with Starch without glue

Slime with Plasticine

Slime with Baking Soda and Dishwashing Liquid

Slime with Soap and Toothpaste

Slime with Starch and Hydrogen Peroxide

Slime with Cornstarch

Slime with Shaving Foam

Slime with Shampoo and Salt

How to make slime(圖3)-速報App

Rainbow Slime

Slime with Toffee

Glow in the Dark Slime with Elmer's Glue

Marshmallow Slime

Gummy Slime

Nutella Slime

M&M's Slime

Follow our updates, with each new version — new recipes.

How to make slime(圖4)-速報App

And also in the near future, we will launch your YouTube channel, where we will check every recipe personally!

Make slime with us — it's so fun and exciting. This is an activity that both children and adults will enjoy. Create your perfect slime.

How to make slime(圖5)-速報App